since when is the truth blasphemous?
I've read the Bible. Studied it with and without WT blinders. Read many Bible commentaries of all descriptions. I've also read most of the world's other 'sacred' books and the most comprehensive commentaries on them that I could find. Can you say the same thing for yourself? I seriously doubt it.
I made a choice based on sound reasoning and careful research. I am free of superstition and the fear of supernatural beings. There is nothing sad about it, I assure you. Life is rich and full and never ever dull. Someday I will die, and become fertilizer. As will you. As has every single human who ever or will ever live. It's the natural order of things. I think YOU are pathetic for wanting more than your natural existence. I think you're an emotional cripple to need to rely on an archaic and frankly disgusting bit of rubbishy nonsense, much of it written by doped-up religiofanatics, for a guide to life.
I have no use for the Bible except as a good leveller for that wobbly table leg. (And the end pages do make great rolling papers once you get the knack of working without the gummed edge.)
There is nothing useful in the Bible that you couldn't find in simpler and better-written form in any good kindergarten library. The rest of the book is frankly lurid trash, and because of that I do not allow my young child access to any Bible story without proper supervision. I don't want him growing up to believe that he owes something to some invisible skydaddy. I find the whole concept of sin/salvation to be repugnant. I refuse to use guilt, fear, and emotional manipulation to control his behavior. So far, love, common sense, and accurate information have helped him grow into a funny, caring, honest, decent and happy young man. He has none of the fears and worries that the Bible and religion instilled in most of his family. No god necessary, no Bible beyond discussion of Judeo-Christian concepts as they arise in daily life. It's working beautifully.
Freedom is a wonderful precious thing. You might try it sometime, if you can get past your cowardice long enough to poke your head out of your misconceptions and take an unblindered look around.